

Journal Articles

(Underline indicates advised student, * indicates the corresponding author)

  1. R. Sheibani* and G. Ou (2022), “Guided post-earthquake reconnaissance surveys considering resource constraints for regional damage inference”, Earthquake Spectra, p.87552930221101415.
  2. X. Zhu* and G. Ou (2021), “Investigation and Development of a Three-Dimensional Transmission Tower-Line System Model Using Nonlinear Truss and Elastic Catenary Elements for Wind Loading Dynamic Simulation”, Shock and Vibration. 2021 Dec 20;2021.
  3. M. R. Sheibani, Y. Wang, N. Markovic, and G. Ou* (2021),Efficient Structural Reconnaissance Surveying for Regional Postseismic Damage Inference with Optimal Inspection Scheduling”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148(2), p.04021156.
  4. J. Xue, and G. Ou* (2021), Predicting wind-induced structural response with LSTM in transmission tower-line systemSmart Structures and Systems, 28(3).
  5. R. Sheibani and G. Ou* (2021),Adaptive local kernels formulation of mutual information with application to active post-seismic building damage inference”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 215, 10791
  6. Z. Xiang*, A. Rashidi, and G. Ou (2021), “Automated Framework to Translate Rebar Spatial Information from GPR into BIM”, ASCE Journal of Construction and Management, 147(10), p.04021120
  7. J. P. Waldbjoern, A. Maghareh, G. Ou, S. J. Dyke, H. Stang (2021), “Multi-rate Real Time Hybrid Simulation operated on a flexible LabVIEW real-time platform”, Engineering Structures, 239: 112308.
  8. R. Sheibani and G. Ou* (2021),A Bayesian optimized framework for successful application of unscented Kalman filter in parameter identification of MDOF structures”, Journal of Low-Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control,  14613484211014316.
  9. M. R. Sheibani and G. Ou* (2021),Accelerated Large-Scale Seismic Damage Simulation With a Bimodal Sampling Approach”, Frontiers in Built Environment, p.61.
  10. Xiang*, G. Ou, and A. Rashidi (2021), “Robust cascaded frequency filters to recognize rebar in GPR data with complex signal interference”, Automation in Construction, 124, p.103593.
  11. J. Xue, G. Ou*, and Z. Xiang (2021),Predicting single freestanding transmission tower time history response during complex wind input through a convolutional neural network based surrogate model”, Engineering Structures, 233, 111859.
  12. Mohammadi, F., Jafarishiadeh, F., Xue, J., Sahraei‐Ardakani, M., & Ou, G. (2021). “Deterministic proxies for stochastic unit commitment during hurricanes“. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution15(8), 1357-1370.
  13. M. R. Sheibani, and G. Ou* (2020),The development of Gaussian process regression for effective regional post‐earthquake building damage inference”, Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 36(3), 264-288.
  14. Xue, J., Mohammadi, F., Li, X., Sahraei-Ardakani, M., Ou, G.*, and Pu, Z. (2020), “IImpact of transmission tower-line interaction to the bulk power system during hurricane”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety: 107079.
  15. G. Ou*, G. Yang, B. Wu and S. Dyke (2020), “Investigation of Hybrid Simulation With Model Updating Compared to an Experimental Shake Table Test”, Frontiers in Built Environment, 6: 103.
  16. Z. Xiang*, G. Ou, and A. Rashidi (2020), “Integrated Approach to Simultaneously Determine 3D Location and Size of Rebar in GPR Data”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 34(5), 04020097
  17. AI. Ozdagli*, W. Xi, G. Ou, L. Bo, S. J. Dyke, D. Yong, G. Xu, T. Wang, B. Wu, J. Zhang (2020), “Experimental verification of an accessible geographically distributed real‐time hybrid simulation platform”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring 27 (2), e2483
  18. Sang, Y., Xue, J., Sahraei-Ardakani, M.*, and Ou, G. (2019), “An integrated preventive operation framework for power systems during hurricanes”. in IEEE Systems Journal, 14(3), 3245-3255.
  19. Xiang*, A. Rashidi, and G. Ou (2019), States of practice and research on applying GPR technology for labeling and scanning constructed facilitiesJournal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 33 (5), 03119001
  20. An, Y.*, Wang, Z., Ou, G., Pan, S., & Ou, J. (2019). Vibration mitigation of suspension bridge suspender cables using a ring-shaped tuned liquid damper. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(4), 04019020.
  21. Yang G*, Wu B, Ou G, Wang Z, Dyke S. (2017) “HyTest: platform for structural hybrid simulations with finite element model updating”. Advances in Engineering Software. 112: 200-210.
  22. Sun*, G. Ou, S.J. Dyke and C. Lu (2017), “A state estimation method for wireless structural control systems”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Jun 1: 24(6).
  23. G. Ou*, S.J. Dyke, and A. Prakash (2017), “Real time hybrid simulation with online model updating: An analysis of accuracy”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 84(B): 223-240.
  24. L. Brodersen*, G. Ou, J. Høgsberg, and S.J. Dyke (2016), “Analysis of hybrid viscous damper by real time hybrid simulations”, Journal of Engineering Structures. 126: 675-688.
  25. G. Ou*, S.J. Dyke, and A. Prakash (2015), “Modified Runge-Kutta integration algorithm for improved stability and accuracy in real time hybrid simulation”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 19(7), 1112-1139
  26. G. Ou*, AI. Ozdagli, S.J. Dyke, and B. Wu (2015), “Robust integrated actuator control: experimental verification and real‐time hybrid‐simulation implementation”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 44(3), 2015: 441-460.
  27. Y. Qian*, G. Ou, A. Maghareh, and S.J. Dyke (2014), “Parametric identification of a servo-hydraulic actuator for real-time hybrid simulation”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 48(1), 2014: 260-273.
  28. G. Ou*, Y. Wang, H. Hao and X.Q. Zhu (2013), “Identification of de-bonding between steel bars and concrete using wavelet techniques: Comparative study”, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 14(1): 43-56.
  29. Guirong Yan*, Alessandro De Stefano and Ge Ou (2012), “A general nonlinear system identification method based upon time-varying trend of instantaneous frequencies and amplitudes”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 15(5) : 781-792.

Conference Proceedings

  1. G. Ou, etc. “Research and development of POF based smart transparent concrete.” 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, ICVE 2008, June, Dalian.
  2. Zhou, G. Ou, Y. Hang, G. Chen and J. Ou., “Research and development of plastic optical fiber based smart transparent concrete”, Proceeding of SPIE 7293, Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems, 9-11 March 2009, San Diego, California
  3. G. Ou, F. Lin, X. Gao and S. J. Dyke., “Application of an H-infinity Feedback Controller to Accommodate Actuator Dynamics for Real-time Hybrid Testing”, CSCE 2012, June 6-9, Edmonton, Canada.
  4. G. Ou, X. Gao and S. J. Dyke. “Case Studies: Experimental Validation of Real Time Hybrid Simulation Using Magneto-Rheological Dampers”, EMI 2012, June 17-20 2012, Notre Dame, IN, USA.
  5. Maghareh, G. Ou, Y. Qian and S. J. Dyke., “Investigation of Uncertainties Associated with Actuation Modeling Error and Sensor Noise on Real Time Hybrid Simulation Performance”,  ICNC’13 – Workshops-CPS, January 28-31, 2013 San Diego, CA, USA.
  6. G. Ou, S. J. Dyke, B. Wu, A.I. Ozdagli, and B. Li, “Robust integrated actuator control strategy for real time hybrid simulation”, SERIES Workshop, May 28-30, 2013, Ispra, Italy.
  7. G. Ou, A.I. Ozdagli, S. J. Dyke, and B. Wu, “Application of Robust Integrated Actuator Control Strategy in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation”, QuakeSummit 2013, Reno, Aug 07-10.
  8. G. Ou, S.J. Dyke, and A. Prakash, “A modified Runge-Kutta integration method for computational delay in real time hybrid simulation”, Proceedings of the 10th NCEE, EERI, Anchorage, AK, 2014.
  9. G. Ou, A.I. Ozdagli, S.J. Dyke, A.Prakash “RTHS with Concurrent Model Updating on a Distributed Platform”, Proceedings of the 6AESE/11ANCRiSST Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2015.
  10. G. Ou, S.J. Dyke, “Real Time Hybrid Simulation with Online Model Updating on Highly Nonlinear Device”, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXXIV Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 25-26, 2016.
  11. Sahraei-Ardakani, M., and Ou. “Day-ahead preventive scheduling of power systems during natural hazards via stochastic optimization.” Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2017 IEEE. IEEE, 2017.
  12. Sang, M. Sahraei-Ardakani, J. Xue, and G. Ou, “Effective Scenario Selection for Preventive Stochastic Unit Commitment during Hurricanes”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
  13. Xue, Y. Sang, G. Ou, and M. Sahraei-Ardakani, Guided Preventive Power System Operation During Hurricanes with Structural Vulnerability Analysis, 2018 conference of Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2018)
  14. G. Ou and S.J. Dyke, Comparison of Hybrid Simulation with Model Updating to a Shake Table Test, 2018 conference of Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2018)
  15. Sheibani, G. Ou, and S. Zhe, “Rapid Seismic Risk Assessment of Structures Using Gaussian Process Regression Learning” IMAC XXXVII, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2018
  16. Sahraei-Ardakani and G Ou “Preventive Power System Operation During Hurricanes,” FERC Software Conference, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Jun. 2018, Washington, DC, USA.
  17. Sahraei-Ardakani, F. Mohammadi, G. Ou, Z. Pu, J. Xue, X. Lin, and Y. Sang, “Reliability Enhancement via Integration of Extreme Weather Forecast in Power System Operation,” 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems 9 (ICPES 2019), December 2019, Perth, Australia.
  18. Sang, J. Xue, M. Sahraei-Ardakani, and G. Ou, “Comparing a New Power System Preventive Operation Method with a Conventional Industry Practice during Hurricanes,” 2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Wichita, KS, USA.
  19. Xiang, A. Rashidi, and G. Ou, “Rebar Recognition in GPR Pattern Using Improved Convolutional Neural Network” 2019 Conference in Computing in Civil Engineering, full paper submitted, 2019
  20. Xue, Y. Sang, G. Ou, and M. Sahraei-Ardakani, Structural Sensitivity Analysis of Transmission Tower’s Finite Element Model for Power Outage Prediction, 2019 conference of Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2019)
  21. Sheibani and G. Ou “Rapid Damage Assessment of Structures Using Machine Learning – A sensitivity Analysis”, 2019 conference of Engineering Mechanics Institute
  22. Sahraei-Ardakani, F. Mohammadi, G. Ou, and Z. Pu, “Scalable Preventive Unit Commitment for Operation during Extreme Weather,” FERC Software Conference, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Jun. 2019, Washington, DC, USA.
  23. Sheibani and G. Ou, “Effective Learning of Post-seismic Building Damage with Sparse Observations” IMAC XXXVIII, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2020
  24. F. Fard, M. Sahraei-Ardakani, G. Ou, and M. Liu, “Targeted Hardening of Electric Distribution System Components for Enhanced Resilience against Earthquakes”, 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 870-875